Case Study Sungai Tiram
1. Di Mana
a. Daerah Sungai Tiram merupakan daerah padat dan kumuh yang terletak di antara Ancol, Sunter and Tanjung Priok
b. Lokasinya tidak jauh dari Danau Sunter dan di samping tol plumpang
c. Dekat dengan Superindo Sunter Mall
d. Ada 3 areal tanah yang dipersembahkan bagi Yayasan 5 Roti 2 Ikan untuk melakukan kegiatan – kegiatan pembinaan masyarakat dengan luas masing – masing 200m2, 300m2, 24m2
2. Profil Orang
a. Ada 800 keluarga dengan 110 keluarga kristen
b. Pada tahun 2008 mereka sempat dgusur, tapi sekarang sudah banyak warga yang kembali lagi menempati daerah tersebut
c. Pekerjaan utama: pemulung, supir angkot, pedagang asongan di Pelabuhan Tj.Priok, ibu-ibu rumah tangga korban PHK dari konveksi di sekitar yang bangkrut
d. Sebagian besar mereka menempati tanah tersebut secara ilegal, artinya tanpa sertifikat tanah dan bisa digusur pemerintah kapanpun
e. Meskipun mayoritas masyarakat adalah non-Kristen, respon mereka terhadap orang – orang percaya dan berbagai kegiatan kerohanian sangat positif karena merasakan dampak dari pelayanan 5 Roti 2 Ikan dan berbagai gereja. Mereka bahkan memberi dukungan tertulis ketika akan dibangun gereja di Sungai Tiram.
3. Permasalahan
a. Masih banyak warga usia produktif yang menganggur, termasuk para ibu rumah tangga
b. Skill masyarakatnya sebagian besar relatif rendah
c. Sebagian besar keluarga memiliki banyak anak, dan tidak semua kebutuhan gizi mereka terpenuhi dengan baik.
d. Sulit mendapatkan air bersih
e. Kesehatan dan kebersihan lingkungan masih kurang baik
f. Sebelumnya pernah mendapatkan persembahan berupa beberapa unit komputer, namun karena tidak ada pengajar yang memberi pelatihan komputer, persembahan tersebut tidak bisa dimanfaatkan
g. Sedangkan kendala internal yang dihadapi Yayasan 5 Roti 2 Ikan adalah:
– Administrasi yang belum terlalu rapi
– Masih kurang sumber daya manusia untuk melakukan publikasi, promosi dan dokumentasi terhadap project-project life center yang telah dirintis di berbagai daerah
4. Proyek Berjalan (Oleh Yayasan 5 Roti 2 Ikan)
a. LIFE Center
– Dibuka sejak 2006 oleh Yayasan 5Roti2Ikan, bekerja sama dengan berbagai gereja (GKY Sunter, GBI), lembaga (Gerhati), perusahaan (SOHO Group), dll
– Konsep Life Center adalah untuk mengadopsi secara fisik, holistik, membina secara rohani, pemikiran, dan tidak ada batas waktu sampai kapan melayani mereka
– Menyediakan mesin jahit supaya para ibu-ibu yang menganggur bisa memproduksi seragam untuk kebutuhan TK Misi Bagi Bangsa
– Menurut pengakuan staf 5 Roti 2 Ikan yang juga warga lokal Sungai Tiram, program Life Center ini mulai terlihat memberi dampak berupa perubahan perilaku masyarakat
– Jumlah staf 5R2I yang menetap di sana ada 4 keluarga, termasuk guru-guru TK.
b. Persekutuan doa Sungai tiram, Kelas bimbingan belajar bagi murid-murid SD sebanyak 60-70 anak, dan program Senin Ceria sejak 2006
c. TK Misi Bagi Bangsa dengan murid sekitar 107 anak, Ibadah Minggu dan sekolah Minggu dengan jumlah jemaat 45 keluarga sejak 2007
d. Ibadah remaja (SMP – SMA) setiap Sabtu malam jam 19.30
e. Memberikan susu gratis dan klinik kesehatan 3x seminggu dengan pasien rata-rata 50 orang/minggu dan diipungut biaya 2500/pasien, bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Gerhati
f. Sejak 2008, telah dibangun tangki air atau torem untuk membantu warga yang kesulitan air bersih
g. Koperasi dengan unit usaha penyaluran air bersih, pinjaman untuk pedagang asongan, stem/cuci motor, MCK
h. Memberi modal pada warga untuk membuat jalan sepanjang 500m & melakukan penghijauan
i. TK Islam
a. Dalam 3 tahun terakhir TK tersebut juga menjadi binaan 5 Roti 2 Ikan
Contact person:
Sudi Harjono (Staf 5 Roti 2 Ikan)
Case Study Sungai Tiram
1. Where
a. The Sungai Tiram (oyster stream) area is a crowded slum area in the Ancol, Sunter and Tanjung Priok section of North Jakarta.
b. Sungai Tiram is close to Sunter Lake and next to the Plumpang toll road exit.
c. It is near the Superindo Sunter Mall.
d. The Five Fishes and Two Loaves ministry has received three pieces of land (measuring 200 m2, 300 m2, 24 m2) in this area for their local community development activities.
2. Who (People Profile)
a. There are 800 families; 110 of those families are Christian.
b. In 2008 the people in this settlement were forced to move, but now many of them have moved back onto vacant land.
c. Their primary source of income is from work as: rag pickers, drivers for public transport, and peddlers selling at the Tanjung Priok harbor. Some housewives had worked for a now bankrupt garment maker.
d. Most of the residents are illegal squatters. Lacking land titles, the government can force them to move at any time.
e. Although most of the residents are non-Christian, they have responded positively to contact with Christians. They have also seen the benefit of spiritual outreach activities conducted by Five Loaves and Two Fishes and several churches. When a congregation sought written support for a church building permit, the residents of Sungai Tiram gave their positive recommendation.
3. Problem Statements
a. There are still many working age residents who are unemployed, including housewives with free time.
b. Most of the community have only low level working skills.
c. Most families have many children, who often suffer from malnutrition.
d. There is little access to clean water.
e. Their environment is generally unhealthy and unclean.
f. Previously several computers were donated for use in this community. However, they were not used because of a lack of tutors to give computer lessons.
g. The Five Loaves and Two Fishes ministry also has its own needs:
– Administration is still not well organized.
– The ministry still needs more staff for publications, promotion, and media to support its life center projects around Jakarta.
4. Existing Projects: Five Loaves and Two Fishes Ministry
a. LIFE Center
This project was begun in 2006 in partnership with several churches (GKY Sunter, GBI), another ministry (Gerhati), a business (SOHO Group), and others.
The concept of the Life Center project is to adopt the community with focus on physical, holistic ministries. It provides counseling for spiritual and educational needs, without having a set time for terminating the outreach.
The project provides sewing machines so that unemployed housewives can produce school uniforms for the Mission to the Nation Kindergarten.
Member of the Sungai Tiram community who are part of the Five Loaves and Two Fishes staff report that the Life Center programs have already produced positive changes in the community’s behavior.
Five Fishes and Two Loaves has four families living in the community. Some of them are kindergarten teachers.
b. Since 2006 the outreach has included:
– A Sungai Tiram Prayer Fellowship
– Tutoring classes for 60-70 elementary school children
– Happy Monday program
c. In 2007 other programs were begun:
– Mission to the Nation Kindergarten for about 107 children.
– A Sunday worship service and children’s Sunday school for 45 families.
– A 7:30 PM Saturday evening youth worship service (middle school and high school)
– In partnership with the Gerhati ministry, there are contributions of free milk and health clinics three times a week. Patients average 50 children per week, and they pay Rp2.500 [$.30] for the checkup.
d. In 2008 new activities included:
– A water cistern was constructed to assist residents who had no clean water supply.
– A community cooperative was started to supply clean water, loans for peddlers, a motorcycle wash, and public bath/laundry facilities.
– Funds were given for the community to pave a 500 meter section of a street and to plant trees.
e. In the past three years an Islamic kindergarten has been receiving developmental assistance from Five Loaves and Two Fishes
Contact Person
Sudi Harjono (Fives Loaves and Two Fishes staff)