Case Study Mangga Ubi
1. Di Mana
   Kampung Mangga Ubi terletak di daerah Kapuk, kecamatan Cengkareng Jak-Bar, dalam gang ekstra sempit, di atas saluran air dan pinggir kali yang sering banjir dan bisa dibilang kumuh.
2. Profil Orang
   a. Penduduk tinggal disana dari jangka waktu 6 tahun sampai 40 tahun
      – Anak SD ada sekitar : 80 anak
      – Anak SMP ada sekitar : 15 anak
      – Anak SMA ada sekitar : 15 anak
      – Anak putus sekolah ada sekitar : 20 anak
   b. Orang dewasa memiliki maksimum penghasilan setara UMR (buruh cuci, sopir, satpam, ojek, tukang potong, buruh pabrik, pemulung). dan ada juga beberapa yang tidak bekerja
   c. Anak-anak usia TK, biasanya tidak dimasukkan dalam TK
   d. Paradigma berfikir mereka tentang pendidikan dan hari depan adalah ingin sesuatu yang mereka langsung dapat gunakan untuk bekerja 
   e. Rata-rata 1 keluarga memiliki banyak anak, ada yang punya hingga 8 anak
3. Permasalahan
   a. Semangat dan motivasi untuk melanjutkan sekolah sangat rendah, karena faktor ekonomi dan lingkungan
   b. Mereka masih merasa belajar sebagai suatu kewajiban yang berat dan membosankan
   c. Mindset orang-tua yang enggan menyekolahkan anak mereka
   d. Anak anak mereka yang masih sekolah umumnya di sekolah negeri siang ( yang kualitasnya agak buruk, guru2nya juga suka tidak datang) 
   e. Sebagian anak putus sekolah (SD)
   f. Tidak ada legalitas tanah
   g. Masih ada kebiasaan mabuk dan judi
   h. Pengaruh sangat buruk dari komunitas kepada anak-anak
   i. Sanitasi dan kesehatan lingkungannya sangat buruk, seperti Jalan setapak ke tergenang air setinggi 60 cm, Sampah dibuang langsung ke kali, Pembuangan limbah tinja langsung menuju kali, tiada septik tank
   j. Rumah tidak layak huni
   k. Tidak ada air PAM
   l. Ibu rumah tangga menganggur
   m. Tingkat pengangguran tinggi khususnya anak-anak muda
4. Proyek Berjalan
   a. LIFE Center yang dibuka oleh Lembaga 5 Roti 2 Ikan sejak Februari 2012, Luasnya: 8×10 m
      Pagi sampai siang biasanya digunakan untuk TK, siang sampai sore hari untuk kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya. Karena kapasitasnya yang kecil dan keamanan yang kurang terjamin, agak riskan untuk meletakkan beberapa komputer desktop secara permanen. Paling banyak hanya 1-2 komputer yang bisa ditempatkan dalam ruangan tersebut. Sedangkan 5Roti2Ikan sudah memiliki 3-4 unit komputer desktop yang bisa digunakan oleh LIFE Center di Mangga Ubi. Kapasitas listrik : 2200 V. Kegiatan yang sudah berjalan:
      – Les pelajaran untuk anak2 SD, dilakukan oleh 5 orang volunteer guru
      – Pendidikan khusus untuk anak autis
      – Pemeriksaan kesehataan secara gratis dan rutin
      – Minum susu gratis 3x seminggu
      – Penyuluhan rutin tentang kesehatan, kebersihan lingkungan
      – Training perakitan komputer  (terhenti sementara karena kurangnya trainer)
      – Training memotong rambut & menjahit keset kaki (dengan 1 mesin jahit)
      – Pelajaran art/menggambar 2 minggu 1x
   b. TK untuk anak usia 3-6 tahun
Contact person: 
– Sudi Harjono (Staf 5 Roti 2 Ikan)
– Visyen Sudjana (Pengajar Bimbel di Mangga Ubi)
Case Study: Community Development Project in Mangga Ubi Settlement
1. Where
   Mangga Ubi neighborhood of the Kapuk area of West Jakarta, Cengkareng District in West Jakarta, located in an especially narrow alley beside a drainage canal. A dirty slum area which frequently floods.
2. Who (people profile)
   a. The residents have lived here from 6 to 40 years.
      – Elementary school students: about 80 children
      – Middle school students: about 15 children
      – High school students: about 15 children
      – School dropouts: about 20 children
   b. The highest income for adults is approximately the Standard Minimum Wage (UMR) for Jakarta. [Considered by many to be below the actual cost of living.] Adults find work: washing clothes, vehicle driver, neighborhood guard/night watchman, motorcycle taxi, yard care, factory worker, rag picker. Some adults do not have work.
   c. Usually children of pre-school age are not sent to kindergarten.
   d. Parent’s paradigm on education and the future: They want want their children to obtain something which will immediately provide a job.
   e. Most families have several children (as many as 8)
3. Problem Statement
   a. Enthusiasm and motivation for continuing in school is very low, due to economic and environmental factors.
   b. People still feel that study is just a burdensome, boring requirement.
   c. The mindset of parents is reluctance to put their children in school.
   d. The children usually attend afternoon schools, which are inferior. Even teachers don’t like to be there. [In Jakarta and other cities, the government has multiplied the number of public school seats for students by using the same facilities and teachers for duplicate sessions: morning and afternoon.] 
   e. Some of the children drop out before finishing elementary school. [six years]
   f. The land uses for school facilities has no clear ownership or legality.
   g. Drunkenness and gambling are still common.
   h. The community influence on the children is very bad.
   i. Sanitation and public health in this locality is very bad. For example, the walkways are mere footpaths which can be flooded to a depth of 60 cm., trash is thrown into the canal, waste from toilets flows into the canal, and there are no septic tanks.
   j. Houses are not fit for habitation.
   k. There is no connection to the city water supply.
   l. Mothers are unable to find income outside the home.
   m. Unemployment is high, especially for young people.
4. Existing Projects
   a. LIFE Center was begun by the Five Loaves and Two Fishes ministry in February 2012. 
      Extent: 8×10 m. From morning until noon typically it's used for kindergarten, while noon until late afternoon for other activities. Due to its small capacity and safety not guaranteed, it's a bit risky to put some desktop computers permanently. At most only 1-2 computers that can be placed in the room. While Five Loaves and Two Fishes ministry already has 3-4 units of desktop computers that can be used by the LIFE Center at Mangga Ubi. Electrical installation: 2200 V. Activities:
      – Personal after school tutoring for elementary school students by 5 volunteer tutors.
      – Special educational activities for autistic children.
      – Routine free health checkups.
      – Free milk provided 3 times a week.
      – Routine orientation about health and a clean environment.
      – Training in assembling computers (temporarily hold because lack of instructors)
      – Training in trimming hair and sewing
      – Teaching of art and drawing once every 2 weeks
   b. Preschool for ages 3-6 years
Contact person: 
– Sudi Harjono (Staff-worker in 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes Ministry)
– Visyen Sudjana (Tutor in Mangga Ubi)