Case Study Rumah Sakit Misi Bethesda Serukam
1. Di Mana
a. Terletak di kaki pegunungan Mendering, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat
b. Lima jam perjalanan darat dari Pontianak
2. Profil Lembaga dan Orang
a. Berfokus untuk melayani orang-orang Dayak di daerah pedalaman Kalimantan Barat.
b. Memiliki satu staf IT penuh waktu yang selain bertanggun jawab atas kebutuhan IT Rumah Sakit, juga atas lab komputer Akademi Keperawatan (AkPer)
c. Sering kali tenaga medis, khususnya seperti dr. Paul juga ikut terlibat dalam pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan IT, seperti mengganti tinta printer, memodifikasi aplikasi administrasi khususnya payroll rumah sakit dengan menggunakan Visual Basic di Microsoft Excel
d. Mayoritas menggunakan Operating System Microsoft Windows
e. Diakui sebagai rumah sakit yang menyediakan pelayanan yang sangat profesional, dokter-dokter yang berkualitas, tidak komersial, dan memberi dampak positif bagi masyarakat
f. Setiap pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit ini sebelum diopname telah menyetujui untuk dibesuk dan diberi pelayanan rohani dengan Injil.
g. Mayoritas staf dan tenaga medis bisa mengunakan komputer seperti untuk email, internet sederhana, microsoft word, baru-baru ini 2-3 orang ada yang bisa excel. Hampir semua mengetik dengan 2 jari.
h. Menggunakan aplikasi Hospital Information System yang dikembangkan oleh Siau Pheng, seorang programmer yang bukan dari latar belakang Kristen. Fitur-fitur dari aplikasi tersebut antara lain: database pasien, rekam medik, akuntansi & keuangan, farmasi, billing.
3. Permasalahan
a. Staf IT penuh waktu yang ada saat ini memiliki keterbatasan fisik dan lebih fokus ke hal – hal operational, seperti: harus menangani 25 unit desktop, 15 unit laptop, 50 user internet, 12 buah wireless router, mesin fotocopy, jaringan LAN dengan 25 titik pembagi, 6 hub, 15 printer, backup data, antivirus, telepon/DSLAM, masalah OS, maintenance hardware & software, membeli, menyediakan, dan melaporkan bahan-bahan yang habis terpakai, seperti pita, tinta, power supply. Dikarenakan keterbatasan sumber daya manusia dan skill
b. Sebagian komputer masih menggunakan Microsoft Windows bajakan, karena keterbatasan skill dalam menggunakan Open Source, maupun keterbatasan dana.
c. Banyak pekerjaan-pekerjaan administrasi yang dilakukan secara manual sehingga menghabiskan banyak energi, waktu, dan kertas, contohnya untuk melakukan absensi karyawan, dan proses penggajian pegawai.
d. Kebutuhan – kebutuhan dalam bidang IT di Serukam , saat ini meliputi:
1) user internet management,
2) internet content filtering,
3) beli lisensi antivirus Kaspersky secara jumlah besar utk semua komputer yg terdaftar dan update dari server lokal,
4) penyimpanan web page pada server lokal utk hemat bandwidth,
5) pembelian alat PST-IP dan setup utk fax,
6) LAN data backup utk komputer lokal,
7) elektronik medical record,
8) Voip phone,
9) Website bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia,
10) Radius user,
11) Internet menggunakan Microwave Tower.
e. Membutuhkan software provider yang lebih besar dan stabil untuk membuat Hospital Information System, karena yang saat ini dipakai hanya dibuat oleh Siau Pheng sendirian, sehingga masih memiliki banyak keterbatasan.
f. Selain dalam bidang IT, RS Serukam juga masih memerlukan tenaga penuh waktu, baik jangka pendek ataupun panjang untuk bidang-bidang berikut:
– Administrasi/Manajamen
– Tenaga medis & paramedis
– Kelistrikan
– Jaringan Telepon
– Infrastrukur
– Akunting/keuangan
– Kontraktor Renovasi Gedung
4. Proyek Berjalan
a. Mission Trip:
– IT Ministry bekerja sama dengan gereja setempat, telah beberapa kali mengadakan mission trip ke Serukam
– Beberapa pemuda GKKB Pontianak & murid SMK Pontianak rutin melakukan mission trip ke Serukam
– Selama mission trip, kegiatan yang dilakukan: memberikan pelatihan open source, menginstall OS Ubuntu, memasang dan memperbaiki jaringan, infrastructure, dan komputer, merapikan lab komputer dari AkPer,
Contact person:
dr Paul Geary (dokter penuh waktu di Bethesda)
Case Study: Bethesda Hospital in Serukam, West Kalimantan
1. Where
a. Serukam is located at the foot of the Mendering mountain range in Bengkayang Regency of West Kalimantan Province.
b. The hospital can be reached by five hours of travel by road from Pontianak.
2. Who (Ministry and People Profile)
a. This private hospital’s ministry is focused on meeting the medical needs of the Dayak peoples in the interior of West Kalimanatan as well as training nurses.
b. The hospital’s full-time IT staff support both the needs of the hospital as well as the Nursing Academy.
c. Often the medical staff, including Dr. Paul, also assist with such computer needs as changing printer ink cartridges, or modifying computer applications such as the hospital’s payroll (which utilizes Visual Basic and Microsoft Excel).
d. Most of the Bethesda computers use the Microsoft Windows operating system.
e. The hospital has a long standing reputation for professional service, qualified doctors, and non-commercial ministry. They are known for their positive impact on the local people.
f. All inpatients agree to having visits by the staff who provide spiritual counseling and share the Gospel.
g. Most of the medical and administrative staff are computer literate, and use email, surf the internet, and process MS Word documents. Two or three staff are now using MS Excel. Most are “2 finger” typists (not touch typists).
h. The hospital uses a Hospital Information System (HIS) which was developed by Siau Pheng, a non-Christian programmer. HIS has capabilities for a patient database, medical records, accounting and finance, pharmacy, and billing. At this time, not all of these function are operable.
3.Problem Statement
a. The fulltime IT staff are now overloaded by the operations of the hospital and nursing academy. They are responsible for 25 desktop computers, 15 laptops, 50 internet users, 12 wireless routers, a photocopy machine, a LAN with 25 users, 6 hubs, 15 printers, data backups, antivirus protection, the telephone/DSLAM broadband connection, Windows problems, maintenace of both hardware and software, purchasing supplies and maintaining inventories (printer ribbons, ink cartridges, backup power supply units). The current staff are limited by both their number and skill levels.
b. Some of the computers still have “pirated” versions of Microsoft Windows installed. Open Source programs could be used, but the staff lack sufficient skills to maintain those programs. The budget for software is limited.
c. Much of the administrative work is still carried out manually, necessitating a large expense of energy, time and paper. One such function is keeping records of employees working time.
d. The IT needs at Serukam now include:
1) user internet management
2) internet content filtering
3) purchase of a license for a large number of users for the Kaspersky antivirus software, with automatic updates via the server
4) storage of accessed web pages on the local server to reduce bandwidth usage
5) purchase of PST-IP devices and setting up fax capabilities via internet
6) automated LAN data backup for the local computers
7) elektronic medical records
8) VOIP phones
9) a website in both English and Indonesian
10) increased user radius
11) Internet support through a microwave tower
e. The hospital needs stronger and more stable support for its Hospital Information System.
f. In addition to it IT needs, the Serukam hospital still needs full time staff (both short and long term) in the following areas:
– Administration/Management
– Medical and paramedic staff
– Electrician
– Telephone installation
– Infrastructure
– Accounting/finance
– Building renovation contractor
4. Existing Projects
a. Mission Trip:
– The IT Ministry has already undertaken several mission trips to Serukam, in cooperation with the local church.
– Several young people from the Pontianak GKKB congregation routinely take students from the Pontianak SMK on mission trips to Serukam.
– Activities during mission trips have included: training in using Open Source software, installing the Ubuntu operating system, connecting/reparing the computer network, infrastructure, and computers; organizing the Nursing Academy computer lab.
Contact person:
Dr. Paul Geary (Medical staff at Serukam)